I often do not travel with a camera, and even when I have one with me
I often forget to take any photographs, as I am so fascinated
by the place or the people I am talking to.
Looking through a viewfinder lens you miss so much and
restricts your view, and as someone once said to me which
is probably true I have an incredible visual memory.
Sahara horse ride, friend following at Saqarra,
with the step pyramid in the background, first time I backpacked around the Mediterranean
Boots worn with working, worn with travel,
boots that tell a story,
my boots shot delapidated French colonial hotel,
Aswan, Egypt, first time I backpacked around the Mediterranean
Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt
Riding a train in Egypt, it was a 3rd class train, no air conditioning which was good. Too use to the heat and aircon was like walking into a freezer. From the first time I travelled / backpacked around the Mediterranean with my friend Peter. The Egyptians were some of the friendliest people we met on our journeys. Though the twice I rode, was a passenger on 3rd class trains in Egypt Pete was not with me. Once from Aswan to Edfu, I was going to the Horus temple. Pete left a day or so later and went straight back to Luxor, and the other time was when I left Luxor for Cairo. Pete stayed on in Luxor for a while. I was heading back to Cairo on my way back to Israel, Tel Aviv to get a flight back to London... The whole train was 3rd class hence the wooden shutters etc... also why it took ages, slow slow train, letting the other trains through... But stopped at places with no station, in the middle of nowhere, quite literally sometimes no village or town...
These are just a few of my travel photographs, and from that first time I travelled / backpacked around the Mediterranean with my friend Peter. I have many more from other travels...
Russell Hand © ®