
        Words, or on art...

I now have one of the five artists books that I made in The Tate Gallery special archive of artists books along with all the other artists books that artists have made and The Tate Gallery have acquired and thought worthy to add through their history.

Link  to my artists book in The Tate special archive of artists books

It is suppose to be a permanent link supplied by the Tate but seems to sometimes say expired... Not so permanent then... That is The Tate not me...

  A mutter, a whisper, a cry, a mark, a trace, a scream, a shout, something, discard, abject, assumed, sublime, critical, overlooked, a mediation, a context, a moment, a presence, a thought, of being, of absence, exuberant, joyous, bubbling, patient, resonant, saturation, quiet, suspension, political, captivating, curious, seductive, disturbing, mesmerizing, philosophical, transform, overwhelm, restless, ephemeral...
A text whose reading starts as understandable but seems to blur and twist, to become illegible out of focus to take us to some 'other', starts as illegible unreadable and twists us to shape, to thought, to thinking, to breathe, to laugh, to life, to being...

Something light, heavy, dense, gaseous, transparent, shiny, soft, hard, opaque, beautiful, mundane, mysterious, luminous, repulsive, familiar, different, attracting, glowing, insubstantial, monolithic, everyday, svelte, substantial, fluid...

An extract or two from the book I am working on. Russell Hand © ® 1996

Video of me reading the above text and some more

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