Fashion photography

                         Fashion photography

I now have one of the five artists books that I made in

The Tate Gallery special archive of artists books

along with all the other artists books that artists have made and

The Tate Gallery have acquired and thought worthy to add through their history.

Link  to my artists book in The Tate special archive of artists books

It is suppose to be a permanent link supplied by the Tate

but seems to sometimes say expired... Not so permanent then...

That is The Tate no me...



Car Shoot 2006 my second fashion shoot using my car

Dark haired model courtesy Models1

Blonde model courtesy FM Models






Ash Blonde shoot 2007

Model courtesy Next Model Management



Ethereal shoot 2007

Blonde model courtesy Next Model Management

Dark haired model courtesy Profile Models





Descent Shoot 2007

Model courtesy Models1

Though when it was published in a fashion magazine in New York

they called it 'Sitting Room'

This is a shot from the fashion editorial 'Descent' published as 'Sitting Room' 2007

in a New York fashion print magazine Zink with at the time over 1 million circulation worldwide,

this is an out take, though many people seem to really like.

While shooting, the clothes stylists, objected to this shot / pose,

as she said it made the models thighs look to big / fat.

As I said to her at the time,

in what world does the model have thighs that are too big or too fat. 




Maria Profile Models Spanish model shoot 2007




Dusk shoot 2006

Both models courtesy FM Models

All the above fashion shoots the fashion models

are from various fashion modelling agencies;

Models1, FM Models, Next Models, Profile Models,

though I have worked with some of the

other top fashion modelling agencies in the world

or been offered models for shoots by them.

Fashion people and fashion model agencies

seemed to think highly of my photography,

as they did not think it was run of the

mill photography.

Matilda 2007

Though not exactly fashion as Matilda was not a fashion model,

but a woman that wanted to model for me,

and I asked if she could wear a classic black dress if she had one.

I think it is obvious why I have included these in the fashion section.

Matilda 2007


Lingerie shoot 2008

This shoot was shot with a page 3 girl. Not that I shoot glamour

but her agency Girl Management asked if I would be interested in shooting

any of their models and I thought it could be fun, which it was.



Natalia Tena shoot 2011 Natalia Tena Musician and actress (film star) shot after 

she starred in some Harry Potter films and before she was one of the stars in Game of Thrones.

Was shot for a magazine but it was not published not sure why.

A photograph of Wei, 2012 © ®, a fashion model with a model agency a friend,

who had asked me about photographing her several times.

Not a fashion shoot, but a photograph of a fashion model.

Post-production on the photograph by Wei.

Debra Lamb Hollywood actor / actress

(Though actor is gender neutral) London 2017

Jordan Martin London 2017

Adam Jaaback my old friend from art school ex-fashion model musician and DJ

shot for his publicity with my Saab Convertible.

Russell Hand © ®

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